Copper Puja spoon, Aachmani Spoon
- 52%

Copper Puja spoon, Aachmani Spoon

Original price was: ₹191.00.Current price is: ₹91.00.

About this item

  • Copper  Spoon Standard Size
  • Export Quality Product
  • An Ideal addition for your Puja Ghar and Home Temple
  • An essential part while performing Puja or any other ritual
  • Size – 13 cm (approx)

43 in stock


Copper Puja Spoon for Sacred Rituals – Enhance Your Spiritual Practice

Elevate your daily puja rituals and offerings with this handcrafted copper puja spoon, also known as an Aachmani spoon. A sacred tool in Hindu tradition, this spoon embodies purity, positive energy, and the transformative power of water. Its elegant design and authentic copper construction make it a beautiful and meaningful addition to your spiritual practice.

Copper in Hindu Tradition

  • The Significance of Copper: Hindus highly revere copper for its purifying properties and its ability to channel positive energy. They believe it neutralizes negative vibrations and creates a spiritually conducive environment.

  • Ayurvedic Benefits: Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, also recognizes copper for its potential health benefits. Practitioners believe it supports digestion, balances the doshas, and promotes overall well-being.

  • Purity and Tradition: Using a copper puja spoon is a symbol of purity and devotion. It reflects a commitment to maintaining the sanctity of sacred offerings and rituals.

The Aachmani Spoon

Essential Puja Tool:

The Aachmani Spoon in Hindu Rituals

The Aachmani spoon, a seemingly simple tool, holds profound significance within the context of Hindu rituals. It serves as a conduit for reverence, purification, and spiritual connection. Here’s how it’s used in different practices:

  • Achamanam: Perhaps the most fundamental use of the Aachmani spoon is in the ritual of “achamanam.” This purification process involves taking small sips of consecrated water from the spoon. It’s often performed before commencing a puja, yagna, or other religious ceremonies to prepare oneself mentally and spiritually.

  • Abhishekam: During elaborate worship rituals known as “abhishekam,” the Aachmani spoon is used to bathe deities with sacred substances. These offerings might include milk, yogurt, honey, ghee (clarified butter), or sanctified water infused with herbs and flowers.

  • Offering Water to Deities: Even in simpler daily pujas, the Aachmani spoon is used to present water as a symbolic offering to the deities. This gesture represents hospitality, devotion, and a recognition of the divine presence.

  • Charanamrita Preparation and Consumption: Charanamrita, the sanctified water collected after washing a deity’s feet, holds special reverence. The Aachmani spoon is used both to offer the water during the washing process and later to respectfully sip this charanamrita as a sacred blessing.

Spiritual Symbolism:

Cleansing, Humility, and Divine Connection

The act of using an Aachmani spoon goes beyond mere practicality. It carries deep spiritual meaning:

  • Cleansing: The inherent purifying properties of water, especially when sanctified, are amplified when offered through the Aachmani spoon. It represents not only physical cleansing but a deeper purification of the mind and soul, washing away negative energies and preparing one for spiritual connection.

  • Humility: The simple act of taking water from the spoon, rather than drinking directly from a cup, signifies humility before the divine. It fosters an attitude of egoless devotion.

  • Surrender: The offering of water represents a symbolic surrender of the self to the divine force. It’s an act of recognition that all sustenance and blessings flow from a higher source.

Practical Uses:

Versatility within Rituals

The Aachmani spoon isn’t limited to major ceremonies. Here’s how its versatility shines through:

  • Daily Worship: Many individuals incorporate the Aachmani spoon into their personal daily puja rituals, using it to perform achamanam, simple water offerings, or consume charanamrita.

  • Purification Rites: Beyond offering water, the Aachmani spoon may be used to sprinkle sanctified water for purifying a space, objects, or even oneself before engaging with sacred practices.

 Features & Benefits

  • Handcrafted Quality: This puja spoon is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring its authenticity and attention to detail.
  • Authentic Copper: Made from genuine copper, it embodies the traditional significance and spiritual benefits associated with this metal.
  • Approximate Size: Approximately 13 cm in length, this spoon offers comfortable handling and ease of use.
  • Durable & Long-Lasting: Copper is a highly durable material, making this spoon a timeless addition to your spiritual tools.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The simple yet elegant design adds a touch of beauty to your altar or puja space.

How to Use Your Aachmani Spoon


The Act of Purification

Purpose: Achamanam is a fundamental purification ritual performed before commencing any major puja or religious activity. It signifies the practitioner cleansing themselves internally and externally to prepare for spiritual engagement.


  • The practitioner holds sanctified water (often infused with mantras or sacred herbs) in the cupped palm of their right hand.
  • They use the Aachmani spoon to take three small sips of water, symbolizing the purification of their body, speech, and mind.
  • They recite specific mantras with each sip, invoking inner purity and divine blessings.


Sacred Offerings to the Divine

  • Purpose: Abhishekam is a devotional act of bathing a deity’s murti (sacred image) with auspicious substances. It expresses gratitude, reverence, and a desire to receive blessings.
  • Substances:
    • Panchamrit: A blend of five sacred ingredients- milk, yogurt, ghee (clarified butter), honey, and sugar.
    • Holy water from sacred rivers like the Ganges.
    • Coconut water, fruit juices, turmeric paste, sandalwood paste, and other offerings depending on the deity.
  • Procedure:
    1. The Aachmani spoon is used to carefully pour each sacred substance over the deity’s murti in a specific order.
    2. Chants and mantras accompany the offerings, creating a deeply devotional atmosphere.


Receiving Divine Grace

Purpose: Charanamrit, literally meaning “water from the feet”, is the sanctified water collected after ritually washing a deity’s feet during worship. It is imbued with the divine essence and offers immense blessings.


  • During puja or abhishekam, worshippers gently pour water over the deity’s feet and collect it in a vessel.
  • Often, they add tulsi (holy basil) leaves, flowers, or other sacred ingredients to the charanamrit.


  • The copper Aachmani spoon is used to reverentially take small sips of the charanamrit.
  • Devotees partake of charanamrit as prasadam, a sacred offering filled with divine grace.

Daily Worship:

A Connection with the Divine

  • Personalization: The Aachmani spoon finds a place in daily worship routines, allowing for smaller-scale offerings and purification rituals at your home altar.
  • Offerings: Water, milk, flowers, incense, and simple food offerings can be made with the Aachmani spoon as a symbol of devotion.
  • Cleansing: Before starting prayers, the Aachmani spoon can be used for a symbolic achamanam, creating a purified mental space for worship.

Care Instructions

Regular Cleaning

  • Why Clean Copper? While beautiful, copper naturally tarnishes over time. This is a result of oxidation when the metal reacts with air and moisture. Tarnish won’t harm the spoon’s function, but regular cleaning keeps it looking its best and ensures its purity.

  • Lemon and Salt Method:

    1. Cut a lemon in half.
    2. Sprinkle coarse salt over the cut surface of the lemon.
    3. Gently rub the lemon over your tarnished copper Aachmani spoon. The combination of citric acid and the abrasive salt removes tarnish effectively.
    4. Rinse your spoon thoroughly with clean water.
    5. Immediately dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Any remaining moisture can cause further tarnishing.
  • Specialized Copper Cleaner:

    1. Commercial copper cleaners are readily available and offer a convenient solution.
    2. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, as some cleaners may be more abrasive than others.
    3. Always rinse and dry thoroughly after using any cleaning product.

Proper Storage

  • Dry is Key: The biggest enemy of copper is moisture. To prevent rapid tarnishing, ensure your Aachmani spoon is completely dry before storage.
  • Ideal Storage Locations:
    • A designated drawer or cabinet dedicated to your puja items.
    • A cloth-lined box or pouch for added protection.
    • Away from areas of high humidity like bathrooms or kitchens.


  • Restoring Shine: While regular cleaning will help, occasional polishing truly restores copper’s brilliant shine.
  • Polishing Methods:
    • Commercial copper polish: Follow product instructions.
    • Natural alternative: Create a paste of equal parts flour, salt, and white vinegar. Apply gently, let it sit for a few minutes, then buff with a clean, soft cloth.

Important Notes:

  • Test First: Before using any cleaning method on your entire spoon, test it on a small, inconspicuous area.
  • Gentle Touch: Copper can scratch, so always use soft cloths and gentle pressure.
  • Embrace the Patina: Some people prefer the natural patina that develops on copper over time. If that’s your preference, less frequent cleaning is needed.

Experience the transformative power of this sacred copper Aachmani spoon. Order yours today and elevate your spiritual practices to new heights!

Weight 20 g
Dimensions 13 cm
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