Matsya Puran (Sachitra Hindi Anuvaad Sahit)
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Matsya Puran (Sachitra Hindi Anuvaad Sahit)

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Matsya Puran (Sachitra Hindi Anuvaad Sahit) (Code 0557)


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Matsya Puran (Sachitra Hindi Anuvaad Sahit) – Discover Ancient Wisdom and Divine Narratives

Immerse yourself in the profound wisdom and captivating stories of the Matsya Puran, one of the most revered and ancient Hindu Puranas. This exquisite edition from Gita Press presents the Matsya Puran (Sachitra Hindi Anuvaad Sahit) (Code 0557), featuring a lucid Hindi translation accompanied by beautiful illustrations that bring the text to life.

Delve into the Significance of the Matsya Puran

The Foundational Purana: The Matsya Puran

The Matsya Purana holds a revered place in Hindu tradition as the first of the 18 major Puranas. As a foundational text, it is believed to contain the direct words of Lord Vishnu, imparted to Manu, the first human and progenitor of humankind. This profound connection lends the Matsya Purana a unique significance and authority within Hindu scripture.

The Great Deluge and Lord Vishnu’s Matsya Avatar

At the heart of the Matsya Purana lies the captivating story of Lord Vishnu’s incarnation as Matsya, the fish avatar. In this narrative, a cataclysmic flood threatens to destroy all life on Earth. Manu, a righteous man, is warned by Lord Vishnu and instructed to build a boat. Vishnu, as the giant fish Matsya, guides this vessel through the turbulent waters, ensuring Manu’s survival along with the seeds of life – plants, animals, and the sacred knowledge of the Vedas. This act of preservation by Vishnu symbolizes the cyclical nature of creation and destruction, emphasizing the enduring triumph of righteousness and the divine protection of humanity.

A Treasure Trove of Ancient Wisdom

Beyond the captivating story of the Matsya avatar, the Matsya Puran contains a vast repository of knowledge, delving into profound subjects that shape the understanding of Hindu philosophy and practice. These include:

  • Cosmology: Discussions on the creation of the universe, its multiple planes of existence, and the cycles of time.
  • Genealogy: Detailed lineages of ancient kings, sages, and celestial beings.
  • Pilgrimages: The spiritual importance of sacred sites and the rituals associated with pilgrimage.
  • Temple Construction: Architectural principles and guidelines for the design and consecration of temples.
  • Dharma and Social Customs: Explorations of righteous conduct (dharma), outlining duties of individuals within society and during various stages of life.
  • Kingship and Governance Instructions on just rulership and statecraft.

The Matsya Puran, as a foundational text, offers a comprehensive view of the Hindu worldview. It guides the faithful on spiritual journeys, preserves cultural traditions, and provides a profound understanding of the intricate workings of the universe and the human role within it.

Features of this Edition

Accessible Hindi Translation (Sugam Hindi Anuvad):

Immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of the Matsya Puran with a Hindi translation crafted for clarity and understanding. Its accessible language unlocks the text’s spiritual teachings for Hindi speakers of all levels.

Vivid Illustrations (Sachitra):

Bring the ancient stories and symbolism of the Matsya Puran to life with beautiful illustrations. These visual representations enrich your reading experience, helping you form a deeper connection with the text’s meaning and characters.

High-Quality Publication (Uchch Gunvatta Prakashan):

Experience the Matsya Puran in a premium format published by the esteemed Gita Press. Their commitment to excellence ensures a well-crafted, durable book that reflects the sacred nature of the text and becomes a cherished addition to your spiritual library.

768 Pages of Wisdom (Gyan ke 768 Prishth):

Dive into the expansive world of the Matsya Puran with this comprehensive edition. Its 768 pages hold a treasure trove of mythological tales, philosophical insights, cosmological knowledge, and guidance on living a life aligned with dharma.

Uncover the Treasures Within the Matsya Puran

Cosmology and Creation: Hindu Perspective

  • Cyclic Nature: The Matsya Purana, like many other Hindu texts, presents a cyclical understanding of time and the universe. Creation is not a one-time event, but a series of births, dissolutions, and rebirths guided by the divine.
  • The Cosmic Egg: A common origin story involves the Hiranyagarbha (Golden Egg), a cosmic seed containing all potentiality. The Matsya Purana describes how Lord Brahma, the creator deity, emerges from this egg to begin the process of creation.
  • Yugas and Kalpas: Time is divided into vast cycles – Yugas and Kalpas. A Yuga consists of four ages: Satya Yuga (Golden Age), Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga (the current, less spiritually refined age). Kalpas are enormous time periods, encompassing multiple cycles of Yugas.
  • Multiple Universes: Some interpretations within the Matsya Purana and larger Hindu philosophy suggest a multiverse – a collection of numerous universes existing simultaneously.

Rites and Rituals: Ancient Hindu Practices

  • Variety and Purpose: The Matsya Purana details various rituals, each with specific goals. Some are for spiritual progress, while others seek material blessings, good fortune, or the fulfillment of worldly desires.
  • Yajnas (Fire Sacrifices): Yajnas were central to ancient Hindu practice, with offerings made to the gods through a sacred fire. These complex rituals were thought to maintain cosmic order and harmony.
  • Samskaras (Sacraments): These are rites of passage marking key life milestones like birth, marriage, and death. They imbued transitions with sacred meaning and spiritual intention.
  • Puja (Worship): Daily offerings and devotional practices to specific deities are central to Hindu life. These acts of love and reverence strengthen the bond between devotee and the divine.

Geography and Pilgrimages: Sacred India

  • Tirthas (Sacred Sites): Hindu texts, including the Matsya Purana, describe numerous tirthas – places of pilgrimage along rivers, mountains, and ancient temple complexes. These locations hold immense spiritual power.
  • Purifying Power: Pilgrimages to tirthas are undertaken to cleanse sins, accumulate good karma, and advance spiritually. Bathing in sacred rivers like the Ganges is especially auspicious.
  • Merit and Liberation: Visiting holy sites and performing rituals within them is believed to bring immense merit, paving the way for a better rebirth or even liberation from reincarnation’s cycle (moksha).

Legends of Kings and Sages: Inspirational Journeys

  • Exemplars of Dharma: The stories of great kings like Rama (of the Ramayana epic) and wise sages like Vasishtha embody righteousness, wisdom, and devotion. Their lives serve as guiding examples.
  • Battles of Good and Evil: Many narratives pit righteous characters against demonic forces. These tales reinforce the perpetual struggle between good and evil, within the individual and the cosmos.
  • Lessons in Leadership: Stories of kings offer insights into just governance, diplomacy, and strategies of warfare. These can be interpreted both literally and metaphorically.

Moral and Ethical Guidance: Dharma and Karma

  • Dharma: This complex concept encompasses duty, righteousness, natural law, and one’s proper role in society. It varies based on stage of life, caste, and individual circumstances. The Matsya Purana explains proper dharma.
  • Karma: The law of karma is fundamental to Hindu thought. It’s the principle of cause and effect, where actions have consequences, both immediate and across lifetimes.
  • Ethical Living: The Purana emphasizes actions that accumulate good karma, ensuring positive future consequences. This involves virtues like truthfulness, non-violence, charity, and selfless service.

Who Should Read the Matsya Puran

Spiritual Seekers:

If you desire to deepen your understanding of Hindu philosophy, mythology, and spiritual practices, the Matsya Puran is an invaluable resource.

  • Cosmology: The Matsya Purana explores the Hindu understanding of the creation, structure, and cyclical nature of the universe.
  • Dharma: The text delves into the concepts of dharma, duty, righteousness, and ethical living, which are fundamental to the Hindu path.
  • Practices: The Matsya Purana describes various spiritual practices like rituals, pilgrimages, and fasting, offering guidance on ways to connect with the divine.
  • Deities: It provides rich narratives and insights into Hindu deities, their relationships and interactions, allowing seekers to deepen their understanding of the complex Hindu pantheon.

Students of Hinduism:

Academics and those interested in the study of Hinduism will find a wealth of knowledge within this ancient text.

  • Historical Perspective: As one of the oldest Puranas, the Matsya Purana offers a window into the social, religious, and cultural practices of ancient India.
  • Mythological Analysis: The text provides a rich source for studying the symbolism, archetypes, and recurring themes within Hindu mythology.
  • Comparative Religions: Scholars can use the Matsya Purana to understand the evolution of Hindu thought and its connections to other religious and philosophical traditions.
  • Textual History: The Matsya Purana exists in various manuscripts, offering a fascinating case study in how ancient texts were transmitted and transformed over time.

Devotees of Lord Vishnu:

Strengthen your connection to Lord Vishnu by exploring his Matsya avatar and his role in preserving humanity.

  • Matsya Avatar Story: The core narrative of the Matsya Purana is the story of how Lord Vishnu. In the form of a fish, saved Manu (the progenitor of humankind) . The sages from a great flood, protecting the seeds of knowledge and righteousness.
  • Vishnu’s Benevolence: This story exemplifies Lord Vishnu’s role as a preserver and his compassion for his devotees.
  • Symbolism of the Fish: The Matsya avatar holds deep symbolism, representing spiritual beginnings, the cycle of creation and destruction, and the protection of knowledge.

Lovers of Mythology:

Immerse yourself in the captivating tales and symbolism of Hindu mythology.

  • Diverse Stories: Beyond the central Matsya narrative, the Purana contains numerous other myths, legends, and folktales about various gods, goddesses, and sages.
  • Moral Themes: Hindu mythology often uses fantastical stories to convey ethical lessons and philosophical truths, making the Matsya Purana a treasure trove for those who enjoy exploring the deeper meanings behind tales.
  • World-building: The Matsya Purana contributes to the vast and intricate world of Hindu mythology, with descriptions of celestial realms, underworld kingdoms, and the interactions between humans, gods, and other beings.

Let the wisdom of the Matsya Puran illuminate your life. Order your copy of Matsya Puran (Sachitra Hindi Anuvaad Sahit) (Code 0557) today!

Weight 2000 g
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 5 cm
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