Skanda Puran (Sankshipt) One of 18 Puranas- Maharssi Vedavyas- Gorakhpur Geeta Press [Hardcover] Maharssi Vedavyasa
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Skanda Puran (Sankshipt) One of 18 Puranas- Maharssi Vedavyas- Gorakhpur Geeta Press [Hardcover] Maharssi Vedavyasa

Original price was: ₹840.00.Current price is: ₹539.00.

Skanda Puran (Sankshipt) One of 18 Puranas- Maharssi Vedavyas- Gorakhpur Geeta Press

  • ass=”yoast-text-mark”>ass=”yoast-text-mark”>ass=”a-list-item”>Publisher ‏ : ‎ Gitapress
  • Language ‏ : ‎ Hindi
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2000 g
  • <span class=”a-text-bold”>Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 40 x 20 x 5 cm</span>
  • “a-list-item”>>=”a-text-bold”>Net Quantity ‏ : ‎ 1.00 count
  • Best Sellers Rank: #41,023 in Books


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Skanda Puran (Sankshipt) – Explore Ancient Hindu Wisdom (Maharssi Vedavyas, Gorakhpur Geeta Press)

Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of Hinduism with the Skanda Puran (Sankshipt), one of the 18 sacred Puranas. Penned by the revered sage Maharssi Vedavyas and published by the esteemed Gorakhpur Geeta Press, this hardcover volume offers a condensed and accessible exploration of Hindu mythology, spirituality, and philosophy.

Experience the Divine Through Skanda Puran 

The Skanda Puran is a treasure trove of captivating stories, detailing the lives and deeds of Hindu gods, goddesses, sages, and mythical beings. Through these narratives, you’ll encounter profound insights into:

Hindu Cosmology:

Explore the origins of the universe and its intricate workings

  • Cosmic Cycles: Hindu cosmology often describes the universe as existing in vast cycles of creation, maintenance, and dissolution. The Skanda Purana may expound on these cycles, delving into the forces that shape and reshape existence.
  • Multiple Realms: Expect descriptions of not only the physical world but also various celestial realms or lokas, heavens and underworlds, inhabited by gods, demons, and other beings.
  • The Role of Deities: Understand how powerful deities like Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer) play crucial roles in maintaining cosmic balance and the ongoing process of creation.
  • Time and Space: The Puranas often offer unique perspectives on time, with concepts like yugas (ages) representing vast spans within the grand cosmic cycles.

Dharma and Ethics:

Discover the principles of righteous living and moral conduct

  • Dharma as Duty: The Skanda Purana will likely highlight the central concept of dharma, covering not only religious duties but also social obligations, familial roles, and the broader moral framework for an individual’s life.
  • Karma and Consequence: Discover the intricate workings of karma – how actions and intentions shape an individual’s destiny and future lives. Understand how ethical choices contribute to positive karma and vice versa.
  • Varna and Ashrama: Depending on the specific content of this edition, the Skanda Purana may explore the systems of varna (social divisions) and ashrama (stages of life). It could present expectations and guidelines for how individuals should act based on their birth and their stage in life.

  • Codes of Conduct: The Skanda Purana likely offers vivid examples of virtuous behavior. It might emphasize qualities like honesty, compassion, non-violence, and self-control as essential for living a dharmic life.

Spiritual Practices:

Learn about yoga, meditation, and other paths to enlightenment

  • Paths to Liberation: The Skanda Purana can introduce various spiritual paths aimed towards moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth). Expect descriptions of practices like Bhakti yoga (devotional path), Jnana yoga (path of knowledge), and Karma yoga (path of selfless action).
  • Meditation Techniques: The text might offer detailed guidance on meditation, including different postures, breathing exercises, and methods for focusing the mind.
  • Ritual and Worship: Learn about the role of rituals, mantras, and temple worship in connecting with deities and cultivating a devotional spirit.
  • Guruu-Shishya Relationship: The importance of a spiritual teacher in guiding seekers towards enlightenment may be emphasized.

Hindu Deities:

Delve into the symbolism and significance of beloved figures like Shiva, Vishnu, Parvati, Ganesha, and more

  • The Forms of the Divine: The Skanda Purana’s rich narratives likely introduce readers to the many forms and manifestations of gods and goddesses. Learn about the symbolism associated with their appearances and attributes.
  • Myths and Legends: Understand the significance of popular stories about the deities, exploring their victories over demons, acts of benevolence towards devotees, and roles within the cosmic order.
  • Devotional Practices: Discover specific rituals, festivals, and forms of worship dedicated to beloved deities like Shiva, Vishnu, Parvati, Ganesha, and others.
  • Shakti and the Divine Feminine: The Skanda Purana likely reveres the Divine Feminine principle or Shakti, embodied by powerful goddesses like Parvati, Durga, Lakshmi, and more.

Why Choose the Skanda Puran (Sankshipt)?

1. Authenticity

  • Gorakhpur Geeta Press: A Symbol of Trust: The Gorakhpur Geeta Press is renowned for its commitment to preserving the integrity of sacred Hindu texts. Their reputation for meticulous scholarship ensures that this edition of the Skanda Purana remains faithful to its ancient origins.
  • Scholarly Translations: The translations provided by the Gorakhpur Geeta Press prioritize accuracy, ensuring that the original spirit and meaning of the Skanda Purana are faithfully conveyed. Readers can trust this source for an authentic experience of this profound scripture.
  • Respect for Tradition: The Gorakhpur Geeta Press demonstrates a deep reverence for the timeless wisdom enshrined within Hindu scriptures. Their commitment to preserving this knowledge and making it accessible is evident in their careful publication of the Skanda Purana.

2. Accessibility

  • The Power of Condensation: The Sankshipt (condensed) edition offers a manageable introduction to the vast world of the Skanda Purana. It’s ideal for those with limited time or those new to Puranic literature.
  • Key Themes and Narratives: This edition preserves the most essential stories, teachings, and spiritual concepts of the Skanda Purana. Even in its condensed form, it provides a rich and comprehensive overview.
  • Gateway to Deeper Study: The Sankshipt edition is a perfect starting point for anyone who later wishes to delve into the complete, unabridged Skanda Purana.

3. Hindi Edition

  • The Language of the Source: Experience the Skanda Purana in its original Hindi, offering a deeper connection to its cultural context, rhythms, and subtleties of expression.
  • Nuances and Subtleties: Concepts, spiritual metaphors, and poetic descriptions may resonate more fully in Hindi, revealing layers of meaning that are unique to the source language.
  • Preserving Linguistic Heritage: The Hindi edition honors the legacy of this ancient wisdom, preserving the language in which the Skanda Purana was originally composed.

4. Spiritual Guide

  • Personal Reflection: The Skanda Puran stories and teachings can spark contemplation, inspire introspection, and offer guidance for living a purposeful life.
  • In-Depth Study: This text is a treasure trove for serious students of Hinduism, providing ample material for analysis, interpretation, and thoughtful discussion.
  • Diverse Paths: The Skanda Purana encompasses a wide range of spiritual practices and philosophical perspectives within the Hindu tradition, offering insights for seekers on many different paths.

5. Cultural Heritage

  • Taproot of Tradition: The Puranas, and the Skanda Purana specifically, hold a central position within Hindu culture. They preserve essential myths, beliefs, and practices that have shaped Indian society for centuries.
  • Understanding the Past: The Skanda Purana serves as a window into the values, worldviews, and social structures of ancient India, helping us better understand its history.
  • Legacy of Wisdom: This text is a testament to the timeless human quest for meaning, our relationship with the divine, and the importance of passing knowledge forward.

Enrich Your Understanding of Hinduism

Whether you’re a lifelong devotee, a newcomer to the faith, or a scholar of world religions, the Skanda Purana offers a gateway to the heart of Hinduism. Discover:

  • Inspirational Tales: Find uplift and guidance through the stories of divine intervention and human perseverance.
  • Philosophical Insights: Ponder timeless questions about existence, purpose, and the nature of reality.
  • Historical Context: Gain a deeper understanding of Hinduism’s development and influence over millennia.

The Skanda Purana: A Timeless Treasure

This elegantly bound hardcover edition is a testament to the enduring power of spiritual wisdom. It’s a valuable addition to any collection seeking:

Hindu Scriptures

  • Vast and Diverse: Hindu scriptures encompass a massive collection of texts compose over thousands of years, offering wisdom on spirituality, philosophy, mythology, rituals, and daily life.
  • Classification: They are broadly classified into:
    • Shruti (“heard”): Considered divine revelation, including the Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva), Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads.
    • Smriti (“remembered”): Texts based on human authorship and tradition, including the Puranas, epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Dharma-shastras (ethical codes), and various devotional texts.


  • Cosmic Narratives: Puranas are encyclopedic texts filled with stories of gods, goddesses, sages, kings, and demons. They explain the creation of the universe, genealogies of deities and lineages, philosophical concepts, and tales of pilgrimage sites.
  • 18 Major Puranas: There are 18 primary Puranas, each often associate with one of the Hindu Trinity—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Some famous ones include the Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana, and Bhagavata Purana.
  • Spiritual Significance: Puranas simplify complex Vedic philosophies, making them accessible for the masses. They promote devotion (bhakti), dharma (righteousness), and the importance of various rituals.


  • Legendary Sage: Vedavyas is a revered figure in Hinduism, credite with classifying the Vedas. Authoring the Mahabharata, and compiling the Puranas.
  • Title, Not a Single Person: The title “Vedavyas” is believed to have held by a lineage of sages, with each contributing to the vast body of Hindu knowledge.
  • Symbol of Wisdom: Vedavyas represents the ideal teacher, embodying profound knowledge and understanding of the scriptures.

Sacred Texts

  • Reverence and Authority: Sacred texts in Hinduism hold deep spiritual significance. They’re considered a source of divine guidance, inspiration, and moral instruction.
  • Varied Roles: Sacred texts form the basis for rituals, festivals, philosophical debates, and personal devotion.
  • Transmission: These texts have been traditionally passed down orally for generations, with meticulous emphasis on preservation and accurate recitation.

Indian Mythology

  • Symbolic Storytelling: Indian mythology is a rich tapestry of tales woven around gods, demons, heroes, and magical creatures.
  • Source of Inspiration: Mythology deeply influences Hindu art, literature, dance, and cultural practices. Popular figures like Rama, Krishna, Durga, and Ganesha are beloved symbols in the Indian psyche.
  • Beyond Literal Interpretation: Indian myths should be understood symbolically, offering multiple layers of meaning and ethical lessons.

Spiritual Growth

  • Inner Transformation: Hinduism emphasizes spiritual growth as the ultimate purpose of life. It involves transcending the ego, cultivating virtues, and realizing our true nature as one with the Divine (Atman/Brahman).
  • Diverse Paths: Hinduism offers various paths to achieve spiritual growth:
    • Jnana Yoga: Path of knowledge and self-inquiry.
    • Bhakti Yoga: Path of devotion and love towards God.
    • Karma Yoga: Path of selfless action.
    • Raja Yoga: Path of meditation and mental discipline.

Devotional Literature

  • Heartfelt Expression: Devotional literature centers on expressing love and adoration for the Divine. It includes hymns, poems, songs, and prayers dedicated to various deities.
  • Bhakti Movement: Medieval India witness a surge of devotional literature as part of the Bhakti movement. Emphasizing a personal connection with God.
  • Famous Authors: Notable devotional poets ineclude Mirabai, Surdas, Tulsidas, and the Alvars and Nayanars of South India.

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Experience the profound beauty and wisdom of the Skanda Puran. Embark on a journey of discovery that will expand your mind and nourish your soul.

Weight 2000 g
Dimensions 40 × 20 × 6 cm
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