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Original price was: ₹1,039.00.Current price is: ₹339.00.

  • ORIGINAL Natural Rudraksha Mala
  • Pure cotton Gomukhi
  • Natural and Real 108 + 1 Panch mukhi beads.
  • It is also said to promote fame, peace & prosperity, dissolves karma & fear. It is also used for Spiritual Evolution.


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Panchmukhi Rudraksha Gomukhi Jap Bag – Authentic Mala for Meditation, Spirituality, & Inner Peace

Are you seeking a deeper connection with your inner self? Longing for greater peace, focus, and spiritual growth? Our exquisite Panchmukhi Rudraksha Gomukhi Jap Bag offers a timeless tool to enhance your meditation practice, reduce stress, and awaken your spiritual potential.

What is a Panchmukhi Rudraksha?

  • Rudraksha beads, meaning “tears of Shiva” in Sanskrit, are sacred seeds imbued with potent energy. Revered for centuries in Hinduism and Buddhism, they are believed to offer protection, promote inner peace, and facilitate spiritual evolution.
  • A Rudraksha mala is a traditional prayer necklace composed of 108 beads, plus one. This sacred number symbolizes the universe and the path to enlightenment.
  • Our Panchmukhi mala features beads with five distinct faces, representing Lord Shiva in his form as Kalagni Rudra. This form of Shiva is associated with spiritual liberation and the release of negative karmic patterns.

Experience the Transformative Benefits of Our Panchmukhi Rudraksha Jap Bag:

Enhanced Meditation & Concentration

  • The Power of Touch: The slightly textured surface of Rudraksha beads provides a gentle, tactile sensation as you roll them between your fingers. This sensory input acts as an anchor for your attention, helping to center your mind in the present moment and reduce distractions.
  • Mantra and Focus: In traditional Japa meditation practice, you repeat a chosen mantra (a sacred word or phrase) as you move from bead to bead. This rhythmic repetition, in conjunction with the feel of the beads, creates a multi-sensory focus that supports concentration and mindfulness.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Focusing on the physical sensations and rhythmic movements involved in using a Rudraksha mala helps to quiet mental chatter and cultivates a state of calmness.

Reduced Stress & Anxiety

  • Restorative Energy: Rudraksha beads are believed to emit specific electromagnetic frequencies that have a soothing effect on the nervous system. This calming energy can help counteract feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Balancing the Biofield: In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Rudraksha is thought to balance the body’s subtle energy (prana), reducing imbalances associated with stress and anxiety.
  • Mindfulness and Breath: The practice of meditation, when combined with the use of Rudraksha, encourages deep, mindful breathing. This type of breathing is known to trigger the relaxation response, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

Spiritual Awakening & Connection

  • Connection to the Divine: Rudraksha beads, as the “Tears of Shiva,” hold a sacred significance in spiritual traditions. Using them in meditation or prayer is believed to create a connection with Lord Shiva and enhance one’s spiritual awareness.
  • Symbol of Self-Realization: The 108 beads of a mala represent both the universe and the steps on the path to enlightenment. Using a Panchmukhi mala can serve as a constant reminder of one’s spiritual journey and the boundless nature of consciousness.
  • Cultivating Inner Awareness: Through the practices of meditation and contemplation, while using the mala, one can develop a deeper understanding of their own thoughts, emotions, and the true nature of the self.

Improved Health & Well-being

  • Electromagnetic Effects: Rudraksha’s electromagnetic qualities are traditionally believed to positively influence blood flow and circulation, supporting overall health.
  • Regulating Blood Pressure: Some wearers claim that Rudraksha helps to balance blood pressure. These effects may be psychosomatic or related to the bead’s influence on the parasympathetic nervous system when worn, promoting relaxation and calmness.
  • Ayurvedic Applications: In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Rudraksha is used for various health concerns, including supporting heart health and mental clarity. While more scientific research is needed to validate these claims, the belief in these benefits contributes to Rudraksha’s positive impact on well-being.

Protection from Negativity

  • Energetic Shield: Rudraksha beads are believe to create a protective energetic shield around the wearer, warding off negative influences, psychic disturbances, and ill intentions.
  • Positive Vibrations: The high vibrational frequency of Rudraksha is say  attract positive energies and dispel negativity, promoting peace and clarity within the wearer’s energetic field.
  • Empowerment & Resilience: Wearing Rudraksha as a symbol of spiritual protection can bolster a sense of inner strength and resilience against external negativity.

The Importance of Authenticity: Why Choose Our Panchmukhi Rudraksha

Genuine Rudraksha Seeds:

We source only the finest, ethically harvested Rudraksha seeds to ensure the highest energy and potency.

  • Importance of Authenticity: Authenticity is paramount when it comes to Rudraksha beads. Genuine Rudraksha, derive from the Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree, are believe to possess the potent spiritual energy and benefits associated with them. By emphasizing genuine seeds, you assure potential customers of the real value and power of your product.

  • Ethical Sourcing: This point highlights your commitment to responsible sourcing practices. This appeals to conscious consumers who seek products that align with their values and respect for the environment and traditions surrounding Rudraksha.

  • Energy and Potency: Underscoring the use of the “finest” seeds implies that your malas offer a superior level of spiritual energy and potential to positively influence a wearer’s life due to the inherent quality of the Rudraksha.

Expert Craftsmanship:

Our malas are meticulously handcraft by skill artisans, ensuring quality and durability.

  • The Value of Skilled Workmanship: This emphasizes that your malas are not merely mass-produce products. Traditional craftsmanship adds a layer of authenticity and uniqueness. It speaks to the care and attention infused into each piece.

  • Quality and Durability: Customers want to know that their investment will last, especially with items that hold spiritual significance. By highlighting durability, you reassure them that they are purchasing a mala intended for years of use and devotion.

Traditional Gomukhi Jap Bag:

Store and protect your mala with our included pure cotton Gomukhi. This traditional drawstring bag serves as a safe and sacred place for this revered spiritual tool.

  • Respect for Tradition: The inclusion of a Gomukhi bag demonstrates your understanding of and respect for the deeply-rooted traditions surrounding Rudraksha.

  • Protection and Sacredness: A Gomukhi bag is specifically design to store malas, protecting them from dust and damage. Emphasizing it as a “sacred place” reinforces the idea that Rudraksha are not just accessories, but revered spiritual objects.

  • Practical Value: Customers value practicality. Including the bag adds functionality and enhances the overall experience of owning the Rudraksha mala.

Lab-Certified Panchmukhi Rudraksha:

For greater peace of mind, we offer the option of lab-certified Rudraksha beads for guaranteed authenticity.

  • Addressing Potential Concerns: Some customers may be hesitant about the authenticity of Rudraksha, particularly when purchasing online. Offering lab-certified beads provides a solution for those who want added assurance

  • Demonstrates Trustworthiness: The option of lab-certification shows your commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction. It builds trust with potential buyers and distinguishes your products as reliable.

How to Use Your Panchmukhi Rudraksha Jap Bag:

1. Choose a peaceful space for meditation or prayer.

  • Creating a Sacred Environment: Finding a quiet, undisturbed space allows you to fully immerse yourself in the practice without distractions. This dedicated space can become a sanctuary for reflection and connection to the self.
  • Intention Setting: Taking a moment to consciously choose your meditation space helps establish a sense of mindful intention. This signals your mind and body that it’s time to focus, calm, and turn inward.

2. Hold the Panchmukhi Rudraksha in your right hand and gently recite your chosen mantra, moving to the next bead with each repetition.

  • The Significance of the Right Hand: In yogic traditions, the right hand is associate with action, energy, and the sun. It symbolizes the ability to manifest intention and create change.
  • Mantra and Mindfulness: The recitation of a mantra, such as “Om Namah Shivaya” or a personal affirmation, serves as a point of focus for the mind. The rhythmic repetition helps to quiet mental chatter and cultivates a state of meditative awareness.
  • Bead Movement as a Guide: Each bead acts as a tactile anchor, allowing you to pace your recitation of the mantra and maintain your meditation rhythm.

3. Focus on the sensations of the beads on your skin and the sound of your mantra.

  • Multi-sensory Awareness: Focusing on the physical feeling of the Rudraksha against your fingers and the soft sounds of your mantra recitation brings your awareness fully into the present moment. This grounding of the senses helps to release distracting thoughts.
  • Cultivating Presence: Directing your attention to these sensations creates a state of mindfulness and deepens your meditation.

4. Wear your mala daily for protection, blessings, and a constant reminder of your spiritual practice.

  • Energetic Shield: Wearing your mala is believe to provide a continuous protective aura of positive energy, shielding the wearer from negativity and disruptions.
  • Symbol of Devotion: Wearing the mala represents your commitment to your spiritual path. It acts as a tangible reminder of your mindfulness practices and aspirations.
  • Attracting Blessings: It is believe that wearing a Rudraksha mala invites blessings, grace, and spiritual support into your life.

Embrace the timeless tradition and transformative power of Rudraksha. Order your authentic Panchmukhi Rudraksha Gomukhi Jap Bag today and embark upon a profound journey of self-discovery, peace, and enlightenment.

Weight 100 g
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