- 47%


Original price was: ₹639.00.Current price is: ₹339.00.

Material – Original Haldi mala with yellow thread

No. of beads- 108


The Power of the Haldi Mala: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Victories

For centuries, spiritual seekers have revered the Haldi Mala (also known as a turmeric mala or Baglamukhi mala) for its powerful blessings and protection within the Hindu tradition. These malas, made from the dried roots of the sacred turmeric plant, embody the potent energy of Ayurveda and connect deeply to the deities Jupiter and Baglamukhi.

Why Choose Our Haldi Mala?

  • Authentic and Pure: Each of our Haldi Malas is meticulously handcrafted using only the finest, all-natural turmeric. We source our turmeric with utmost care, ensuring its purity and spiritual potency.
  • 108 Sacred Beads: Our malas feature the traditional 108 beads, a number holding profound significance in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern spiritual practices.
  • Spiritual Empowerment: Whether you are seeking success, protection, peace of mind, or spiritual growth. The Haldi Mala is believed to bestow powerful blessings upon its wearer.

The Many Benefits of a Haldi Mala

Victory over Enemies and Obstacles: The Power of Baglamukhi

  • Understanding Baglamukhi: In Hindu tradition, Goddess Baglamukhi is one of the ten Mahavidyas (Great Wisdom Goddesses). She embodies the power to overcome obstacles, subdue enemies, and achieve victory in all endeavors.
  • Dispelling Negativity: Baglamukhi’s energy is believed to neutralize negative forces, both internal (such as self-doubt and limiting beliefs) and external (such as malicious individuals or challenging circumstances).
  • Success in Legal Matters: Those facing legal battles or complex disputes can find great solace in chanting Baglamukhi mantras with a Haldi Mala. Her energy is said to tip the scales of justice in your favor.
  • Triumph in Competition: Whether you’re engaged in athletic competitions, business ventures, or personal rivalries. The Haldi Mala and Baglamukhi mantras can provide a spiritual edge, fostering the strength and focus needed to emerge victorious.

Ayurvedic Purification: Turmeric’s Healing Touch

  • Cleansing the Aura: Ayurveda teaches that a Haldi Mala’s purifying turmeric energy cleanses your subtle energetic field (aura), removing negativity and blockages.
  • Promoting Well-being: When our aura is clear and balanced, we experience a greater sense of well-being on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. A Haldi Mala can enhance your overall health and vitality.
  • Ancient Wisdom: The use of turmeric for healing and purification dates back thousands of years within the Ayurvedic tradition. By wearing a Haldi Mala, you tap into this ancient wisdom and its profound benefits.

Fertility and Abundance: Turmeric’s Vibrant Symbolism

  • Symbol of Life: Turmeric’s golden-yellow color represents the sun, a vital source of life and energy. It is traditionally associated with fertility, both in terms of conceiving children and manifesting abundance in all areas of life.
  • Attracting Prosperity: The Haldi Mala is a potent symbol to attract financial prosperity, good fortune, and the fulfillment of your desires.
  • Nurturing Energy: Turmeric is known for its warming and nurturing properties. Wearing a Haldi Mala can foster feelings of self-worth and help you tap into your inner resources to manifest your dreams.

Inner Peace and Tranquility: Finding Serenity

  • Calming the Mind: The act of chanting mantras with a mala beads naturally focuses the mind and induces a state of meditative calm. Turmeric’s soothing energy amplifies this effect, easing anxiety and promoting relaxation.
  • Easing Depression: Studies suggest that turmeric may have natural antidepressant properties. Combined with the meditative aspect of mala use, the Haldi Mala can be a supportive tool for those struggling with depression.
  • Cultivating Inner Harmony: When our minds are calm and our hearts are at peace. We experience a profound sense of inner harmony that radiates outwards, improving our relationships and overall quality of life.

Enhanced Spiritual Cultivation: Deepening Your Practice

  • Connecting with Jupiter: In Vedic astrology, Jupiter (Brihaspati) is the planet of wisdom, expansion, and good fortune. The Haldi Mala resonates with Jupiter’s beneficent energy, making it ideal for chanting Jupiter mantras.
  • Devotion to Baglamukhi: If you are drawn to Goddess Baglamukhi, the Haldi Mala is a must-have for your spiritual practice. It strengthens your connection with her and amplifies the power of your mantras.
  • Spiritual Growth: Regardless of your specific path, the Haldi Mala can deepen your meditation, cultivate mindfulness, and accelerate your spiritual progress

How to Use 

  1. Mantra Chanting: Hold your mala in your right hand and use your thumb to gently move from bead to bead as you recite your chosen mantras. Focus on the meaning and intention behind each repetition.
  2. Meditation: Wear your mala during meditation to enhance your focus and connect with the mala’s calming energy.
  3. Sacred Adornment: Wear your mala as a beautiful and meaningful reminder of your spiritual aspirations.

Caring for Your Haldi Mala

  • Sacred Space: Keep your mala in a clean and sacred space when not in use.
  • Gentle Cleansing: Occasionally wash your mala with mild soap and water to remove dirt and dust. Dry it completely before storing.

Experience the transformative power of the Haldi Mala. Order yours today and embark on a journey of spiritual strength, protection, and inner peace!

Weight 50 g
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