Iskon Fully Round Shaped Single Layer Tulsi Beads Kanthi Mala
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Iskon Fully Round Shaped Single Layer Tulsi Beads Kanthi Mala

Original price was: ₹540.00.Current price is: ₹239.00.

Colour Tulsi
Material Tulasi Mala
Size 43.18 centimeters
Brand Pujagoodies
Shape Round


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ISKON Fully Round Shaped Single Layer Tulsi Beads Kanthi Mala

Embrace the divine energy of Tulsi with the ISKON Fully Round Shaped Single Layer Tulsi Beads Kanthi Mala. This sacred necklace, meticulously crafted from the finest Tulsi wood, holds immense spiritual significance within the Hindu tradition. Its smooth, round beads and single-layer design offer a minimalist elegance that enhances your spiritual practice while providing numerous benefits for the mind, body, and soul.

What is Tulsi?

  • Revered as “The Queen of Herbs,” Tulsi (Holy Basil) is a plant native to India and Southeast Asia.
  • Hindus consider Tulsi to be an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulsi; a consort of Lord Vishnu.
  • Within Ayurveda, Tulsi is prized for its healing properties and ability to promote balance and well-being.

The Significance of Tulsi Mala

Spiritual Connection: Deepening Your Devotion

  • A Symbol of Faith: Wearing a Tulsi mala outwardly signifies your devotion to Lord Vishnu, Ram, and Krishna. It’s a constant reminder of their presence and teachings, deepening your connection to the divine.
  • The Power of Touch: The physical act of wearing or holding Tulsi beads can create a tangible link to the sacred. It serves as a focal point for prayer, meditation, and mindful contemplation of the divine.
  • Offering Oneself in Service: In Hinduism, the Tulsi plant is considered a manifestation of the goddess Tulsi, a consort of Vishnu. By wearing a Tulsi mala, you offer yourself humbly in service to the divine forces it represents.

Purification: Cleansing Body, Mind, and Spirit

  • Removing Negative Energies: Tulsi is believed to possess a purifying aura that cleanses the wearer of negative energies and influences. This can manifest as emotional cleansing, clearing of mental clutter, and the dispelling of spiritual blockages.
  • Spiritual Detoxification: Just as Tulsi is used as a medicinal herb to detoxify the body, it’s believed to have similar effects on a spiritual level. It may aid in releasing negative thought patterns, past traumas, and unresolved emotions that hinder spiritual growth.
  • Promoting Clarity: When negative energies are removed, a sense of clarity often takes their place. A Tulsi mala can foster clear thinking, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of one’s spiritual path.

Protection: A Shield Against Negativity

  • Aura of Protection: A Tulsi mala shields the wearer, repelling harmful energies, ill intentions, and negative influences.
  • Safeguarding the Spirit: This mala protects your spirit from the negativity that can block spiritual progress and disrupt inner peace.
  • Attracting Positivity: A Tulsi mala draws positive vibrations, blessings, and divine protection into your life.

Meditation Aid: Enhancing Focus and Mindfulness

  • The Ritual of Touch: The simple act of rolling Tulsi beads between your fingers creates a tactile rhythm that can be deeply calming and centering.
  • Mantra Recitation: Tulsi malas are traditionally used for Japa meditation, where the beads help count repetitions of mantras. This practice promotes concentration and single-pointed focus.
  • Grounding Energy: The earthy, natural scent of Tulsi wood can have a grounding effect, helping to anchor the mind in the present moment and enhancing awareness during meditation.

Healing Properties: Ayurvedic Applications for Wellness

  • Stress Relief: Tulsi is an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body better manage stress. Wearing a Tulsi mala may promote a sense of calmness, reduce anxiety, and improve overall well-being.
  • Respiratory Support: Tulsi’s traditional use in treating coughs, colds, and respiratory ailments hints at its potential benefits for the respiratory system. It may act as an expectorant and soothe inflamed airways.
  • Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies suggest Tulsi may have a positive impact on blood sugar levels, making it potentially beneficial for those with blood sugar imbalances.
  • Immune Boost: Tulsi’s antioxidant and antimicrobial properties are believed to support immune function and overall health.

Features of the ISKON Fully Round Shaped Single Layer Tulsi Beads Kanthi Mala

Authentic Tulsi Wood:

Sourced from Sustainable Sources and Crafted with Reverence

  • Sustainable Origins: Our Tulsi wood is ethically harvested from [Region Name, if applicable], where traditional practices ensure the continued health and regeneration of sacred Tulsi groves. By choosing this mala, you support a harmonious relationship between spiritual practice and environmental responsibility.

  • The Artisan’s Touch: Each bead is carefully shaped under the skilled hands of devoted artisans. Their work, passed down through generations, infuses the Tulsi with an energy of reverence and respect. The beads may even be carved using traditional tools and methods, adding a layer of historical richness.

Fully Round Beads:

Offer a Smooth and Comfortable Feel Against the Skin

  • A Gentle Embrace: The polished roundness of the Tulsi beads provides a soothing sensation against your skin. Whether you’re using the mala for meditation or wearing it throughout the day, the natural contours feel organically comforting.

  • Wear Without Worry: The smooth surface and single-layer design minimize any risk of irritation, making this mala ideal for wearers with sensitive skin or those engaging in extended meditation sessions.

Single-Layer Design:

Embodies Simplicity and a Focused Approach to Spirituality

  • Undivided Connection: The single strand of Tulsi beads symbolizes a direct, unadorned connection with the divine. In contrast to multi-layered malas, this design represents a focused approach to your spiritual practice.

  • Spiritual Minimalism: This mala promotes a sense of uncomplicated devotion. It draws your attention inward towards your mantras, prayers, and intentions, rather than on the physical object itself. This simplicity is especially appealing to seekers drawn to a pure and less ornamented spiritual path.

Ideal for Japa and Meditation:

Helps You Maintain Focus and Count Mantras

  • Your Guide in Mantra: Traditionally, a Tulsi mala contains 108 beads, a sacred number within Hinduism and Buddhism. Using the beads like stepping stones, you can recite your chosen mantra 108 times, finding a meditative rhythm with their help.

  • Anchor to the Present: The physical act of feeling each bead as it passes between your fingers centers your awareness in the present moment. This tactile focus offers a powerful tool for calming the mind and cultivating a meditative state.

Beautiful and Meaningful Gift:

Perfect for Loved Ones Embarking on a Spiritual Journey or Those Seeking Well-being

  • A Symbol of Support: Your gift of a Tulsi mala demonstrates your care and respect for a loved one’s spiritual path. It offers a tangible symbol of blessings for protection, purification and inner peace.

  • A Gift of Wellness: Tulsi’s association with Ayurveda and its known stress-reducing properties make this mala a thoughtful choice for anyone seeking greater balance and harmony in their life. It serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize well-being amidst a busy world.


  • Material: Authentic Tulsi wood (Ocimum sanctum), sustainably sourced.
  • Bead Shape: Fully round
  • Design: Single-layer mala
  • Number of Beads: Traditionally 108
  • Knots: Knotted between beads
  • String: Durable thread

How to Use Your Tulsi Mala


Wear your mala as a daily reminder of your spiritual aspirations and connection to the divine.

  • A Constant Companion: Wear your Tulsi mala close to your heart as a tangible symbol of your spiritual path. Let its presence serve as a gentle reminder of your highest aspirations and your unwavering connection to the divine forces that guide you.

  • Embodying Your Beliefs: By wearing this sacred mala, you subtly declare your reverence for the transformative power of spiritual practice. It becomes a visible emblem of your commitment to inner growth and a conscious way of life.

Japa Meditation:

Use the beads for counting mantras during your meditation practice.

  • Finding Your Rhythm: As each Tulsi bead passes through your fingers, let it guide your recitation of a chosen mantra. The act of japa meditation helps to quiet the mind and deepen your focus, allowing you to tap into a state of peaceful awareness.

  • A Path to Stillness: The repetition of mantra combined with the tactile feel of your mala creates a meditative anchor. It allows you to slip into a serene space where thoughts diminish, and a sense of harmonious connection arises.


Hold the mala while chanting sacred mantras or devotional songs.

  • Amplify Your Voice: Hold your mala as you raise your voice in sacred chant or song. The Tulsi beads resonate with the vibrations of devotion, creating a harmonious energy that enhances and uplifts your practice.

  • Heartfelt Expression: Chanting is an act of pure offering. Your mala becomes a conduit for your spiritual energy, infusing every syllable with the transformative power of Tulsi and your sincere intention.


Use your mala to enhance focus and devotion during prayer.

  • Centering Your Prayers: Whether reciting traditional prayers or offering your own heartfelt words, the beads of your mala can help you maintain unwavering focus. Let the act of moving the beads ground you in the present moment as you commune with the divine.

  • A Symbol of Humility: Using the mala during prayer is a way of surrendering to a higher power. It becomes a physical act of devotion, reminding you to open your heart and receive guidance and blessings with an open spirit.

Caring for Your tulsi kanthi mala

Your Tulsi mala is more than simply a necklace; it is a sacred tool for spiritual practice and a tangible symbol of your devotion. To honor its significance and ensure its longevity, it’s important to treat it with respect and care. Here are a few essential guidelines:

A Place of Honor: Finding Your tulsi kanthi mala Sanctuary

Your Tulsi mala is more than simply a necklace; it’s a sacred object imbued with spiritual energy. When you’re not wearing or actively using it, treat it with the reverence it deserves:

  • Dedicated Space: A small, clean pouch made of natural fibers like cotton or linen is a beautiful way to store your mala and keep it protected from dust and tangles.
  • Sacred Spot: Consider creating a small ‘altar-like’ space within your home, perhaps on a shelf or table. A decorative box or plate can house the mala when not in use, signifying its special importance. Choose a spot that is peaceful and away from harsh sunlight or damp areas.

Protect from the Elements: Respecting the Natural Origins

While Tulsi wood is strong, it remains a product of nature. To ensure your mala’s longevity and beauty, take some simple precautions:

  • Chemical-Free: Avoid exposing your Tulsi mala to perfumes, lotions, harsh soaps, or cleaning products. These can erode the wood’s finish or leave residues that may affect its energy.
  • Stay Dry: Tulsi wood is best kept away from excessive moisture. Remember to remove your mala before showering, swimming, or doing activities where it might get fully submerged. This prevents any possible warping or discoloration.

Gentle Cleansing: Maintaining Purity

Over time, your mala may naturally collect some dust or energy residue. A simple and respectful cleaning method is all that’s need

  • The Soft Touch: A soft, dry cloth is your best tool. Gently wipe each bead, moving along the string. This action itself can be a mindful practice, infusing the mala with your focused intention.

Mindful Wear: Treating Your Tulsi kanthi mala with Care

While Tulsi malas are built for regular use, some situations present a risk of damage or breakage:

  • Water Worries: It’s wise to remove your mala before bathing, swimming, or any prolonged exposure to water.
  • Be Cautious: Be mindful during activities where the beads could potentially snag on something or be pulled with force. A gentle awareness helps protect your mala.

By following these guidelines, you not only protect the physical form of your Tulsi mala but also honor its spiritual essence, ensuring that it serves you for years to come as a powerful companion on your journey.

The ISKON Commitment to tulsi kanthi mala Quality

ISKON provides you with authentic and high-quality spiritual items. Our handcrafted Tulsi malas embody the utmost care and reverence, guaranteeing a sacred and meaningful experience.

Experience the transformative power of the ISKON Fully Round Shaped Single Layer tulsi kanthi mala. Order yours today and embark on a deeper spiritual journey!

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