Tulsi Kanthi Mala/Rosary Tulsi Neckless/ISKON Tulsi Kanthi/Vaishnav Tulsi Kanthi Mala/Round Shaped Beads(2 round neckless)- Vrindavan (DOUBLE ROUND)

Tulsi Kanthi Mala/Rosary Tulsi Neckless/ISKON Tulsi Kanthi/Vaishnav Tulsi Kanthi Mala/Round Shaped Beads(2 round neckless)- Vrindavan (DOUBLE ROUND)


  • Tulsi Mala is instrumental in cleansing mind, body and soul of all impure karma and thoughts.
  • Tulsi Mala brings health and happiness to not just the wearer but to the entire family.
  • Tulsi Mala protects the person adorning it from all kinds of negative influences like ghosts, evil spirits and other paranormal activities.
  • Tulsi Mala brings equanimity of thoughts and emotions.
  • Many people suffer from high levels of stress. Tulsi Mala helps in bringing down the stress levels of the person wearing it.


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Exquisite Tulsi Kanthi Mala (Double Round) – Handcrafted in Vrindavan

For centuries, the Tulsi plant (Holy Basil) has held immense spiritual significance in Hinduism. Our Tulsi Kanthi Mala, handcrafted in the sacred city of Vrindavan, embodies the transformative energy of this revered plant. Wearing this double round Tulsi mala is believed to offer spiritual protection, mental clarity, stress relief, and a host of other benefits.

Key Features and Benefits of Kanthi Mala

Handcrafted in Vrindavan

  • Sacred Origins: Step into a realm of devotion. Vrindavan, the mystical land where Lord Krishna is said to have played his flute, blesses each of our Tulsi Kanthi Malas. It’s a place where the air vibrates with centuries of prayers and echoes of the divine.
  • Spiritual Potency: Our artisans don’t merely craft malas – they channel the sacred energy of Vrindavan. Each Tulsi bead becomes a vessel of protection, peace, and the boundless love of Lord Krishna.

Double Round Design Kanthi Mala

  • Comfort and Style: Embrace timeless elegance. The double round design provides comfortable wear while reflecting a beautiful tradition passed down through generations of devotees.
  • Symbolism of the Double Round: (If you find relevant meanings, add them here. Example: The double round represents the balance of the universe, a reminder of the harmonious rhythm within all of creation.)

Round Shaped Beads

  • Smooth and Soothing: Like worry stones blessed by the divine, the smooth, round beads provide a calming focus for your meditations. Let their gentle texture quiet your mind and soothe your soul.
  • Natural Tulsi Aroma: Inhale the subtle fragrance of Tulsi, like a forest after a gentle rain. This sacred herb, revered in Ayurveda, offers a touch of nature’s healing power to center and restore your spirit.

Spiritual Protection

  • Shield Against Negativity: Imagine your Tulsi mala as a radiant shield, repelling the unseen forces of negativity and darkness. Feel a profound sense of spiritual security as its light surrounds you.
  • Safeguard from Harm: Find sanctuary from the shadows. Your mala offers specific protection from that which seeks to cause harm – ghosts, ill intent, and malevolent spirits.

Mental and Emotional Balance

  • Clarity and Focus: Let your mala guide you towards inner stillness. Its presence helps calm the mental chatter, allowing you to focus on your prayers, meditations, or simply navigating your day with a clearer mind.
  • Inner Peace and Equanimity: Discover an unshakable inner anchor amidst life’s storms. Wearing your mala fosters peace and helps you remain grounded, even when your emotions feel turbulent.

Stress Reduction

  • Soothing and Calming: Your Tulsi mala is your refuge. The aroma, the smooth beads, the touch of the sacred – they work in harmony to ease stress and gently guide you towards a state of tranquility.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: Wear your mala as a reminder of your inner strength. It becomes your constant companion, a tool to help you weather life’s challenges with grace and the ability to find peace even in chaotic moments.

Health and Happiness

  • Holistic Wellbeing: Experience the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. The peace and clarity your mala cultivates ripple outwards, promoting overall health and wellbeing.
  • Auspicious Blessings: Wearing your mala becomes an invitation. Attract positive energy, good fortune, and a sense of harmony as the universe aligns in your favor.

Devotional Symbol of Kanthi Mala

  • Connection to Lord Krishna and Vishnu: Devotees of Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu find a tangible way to deepen their connection to the divine. Carry a piece of Lord Krishna’s blessings wherever you go.
  • Expression of Faith: Wear your Tulsi mala with pride. It proclaims your faith and your place within a community of believers, connected by a shared love and reverence for the Divine.

Experience the Transformative Power of Kanthi Mala

Meditate with Purpose:

  • Focus Your Mind: The smooth texture of Tulsi beads provides a gentle tactile anchor for your attention. Running your fingers along the mala during meditation trains the mind to return to a state of focus, even when distracting thoughts arise.
  • Mantra Chanting: The rhythmic repetition of mantras or prayers, synchronized with the beads of your Tulsi mala, creates a meditative state. This focused repetition can promote inner peace and mental clarity.

Spiritual Connection:

  • Deepening Your Path: Wearing your Tulsi mala creates a tangible reminder of your spiritual traditions and beliefs. It becomes a portable touchstone, helping you feel connected to your spiritual path even amidst the routine of daily life.
  • Personal Ritual: Integrate your mala into prayer, meditation, or devotional practices. Let it become a symbol of your commitment to spiritual growth and a deepening connection with the Divine.

Physical Wellbeing

  • Ayurvedic Tradition: Tulsi’s prominence in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing system. It is revered for its potential health benefits, including respiratory support, immune system strengthening, and stress reduction.
  • Natural Benefits: Connect the wearing of the Tulsi mala with the power of nature. Emphasize that its subtle fragrance offers aromatherapy benefits, easing tension and promoting a calmer state of mind.

Stress Relief

  • Everyday Sanctuary: The aroma of Tulsi, its comforting weight, and the simple act of using it for prayer offer a respite from daily stressors. Position the mala as a tool for cultivating small moments of mindfulness throughout the day.
  • Building Resilience: The consistent use of a Tulsi mala trains the mind and body to respond to stress with greater calm, promoting emotional resilience.

A Thoughtful Gift:

  • Symbol of Love and Protection: Gifting a Tulsi mala carries a deep meaning. It shows that you wish protection, wellbeing, and spiritual blessings for the recipient.
  • Sharing Your Path: If you and a loved one share a spiritual path, a Tulsi mala becomes a way to create a special connection and offer ongoing support for their spiritual journey.

Why Choose Our Tulsi Kanthi Mala?

Ethical Sourcing:

We prioritize the respect and fair treatment of the artisans who craft our malas.

  • Beyond Fair Trade:  your commitment to ethical sourcing involves more than just adhering to basic standards. Detail the specific ways you ensure artisans are paid fair wages, have safe working conditions, and are treated with dignity.
  • Partnership, Not Exploitation: Emphasize that the artisans are your valued partners in bringing these sacred malas to the world. Consider sharing stories or images of the artisans (if you have permission) to humanize the supply chain.

Exceptional Quality:

Our malas are made to last, with superior construction and materials.

  • Heirloom Quality: Position your malas as something to be cherished for a lifetime, perhaps even passed down through generations.
  • Attention to Detail: The care that goes into each step of the crafting process, from the selection of Tulsi wood to the meticulous beading and finishing.
  • Natural Materials: The beauty and inherent strength of the Tulsi wood. If other materials are used (e.g., thread, tassels), assure that they are equally well-sourced and durable.


We source our Tulsi beads directly from Vrindavan, ensuring the highest spiritual quality.

  • No Shortcuts: Emphasize that you don’t believe in compromising the spiritual authenticity of your malas. Explain why the Vrindavan origin is critical to the potency and blessings of the mala.
  • Direct Relationship: If possible, mention that you have a direct relationship with the suppliers in Vrindavan, ensuring both quality control and that the artisans benefit directly.
  • Certificate of Authenticity: Consider offering a certificate of authenticity with each mala, guaranteeing its Vrindavan origin and ethical creation.

Spiritual Significance:

We honor the deep spiritual traditions behind Tulsi malas.

  • Reverence for Tradition: That your business isn’t just about selling a product; it’s about respecting the centuries-old traditions surrounding Tulsi malas and their place in Hindu spirituality.
  • Knowledge and Respect: If you’re not Hindu yourself, assure customers that you’ve taken the time to learn about the proper use, rituals, and significance of the malas to ensure you are honoring them correctly.
  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: Consider providing information to customers about the traditions associated with Tulsi malas, allowing them to connect more deeply with their own spiritual practice.

Discover the Difference with Our Tulsi Kanthi Mala.

If you seek spiritual protection, inner peace, and a deeper connection with your spirituality, our Tulsi Kanthi Mala is the perfect choice. Embrace the transformative blessings of the revered Tulsi plant and elevate your daily life.

Order Your Tulsi Kanthi Mala Today!


Double round, Single round

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